Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clown Faced!

Wearing way too much makeup is one of the top mortal sins that Lebanese women are famous for committing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love make up. I can't live without my black MAC eyeliner and my Shiseido matifying compact. But everything should be done in moderation.

Being the skeptical person that I am, I couldn’t but contemplate about the “How? Why? And Where?” of wearing too much makeup.


Where do I start? The colored eye shadow that looks like a layer of paint ready to be peeled off? The bronze foundation that looks as if she deep-fried her face before leaving the house? The fuchsia blush that scares children away thinking the circus clown has escaped? Or the smoky eyes that apparently she’s born with and is never seen without no matter what?


Does she apply makeup at home without consulting a mirror? Does she think that every color in the eye shadow palette should be used at the same time? Does she watch too much Jerseylicious and look up to Ashly, Tracy or whatever their names are? Or does she think the more makeup she applies, the more marriage proposals she will get?


Applying makeup depends on the occasion. But sometimes, even this is ignored. Whether it’s wearing full makeup to the beach where you usually spend most of the day sunbathing and getting wet in the pool, or applying 2 inches of blush to the gym where you’re supposed to sweat. And I can’t but mention the infamous Lebanese brides who paint their faces with too much makeup and end up looking like a love child from Lady Gaga and Krusty the Clown.

So to all you Lebanese makeup extremists out there, take it easy on your faces and think of this:

“Kiss and make up--but too much makeup has ruined many a kiss.” Mae West.

Until next time…



  1. women should have more confidence in their natural beauty.some of them cant be recognized when seen without any make up!
    and too much make up ruins your skin and accelerates ageing

    1. I totally agree! Women shouldn't hide behind their makeup.

  2. "applying 2 inches of blush to the gym where you’re supposed to sweat" : I see girls fix their makeup in their workout breaks at the gym and i just don't get it!!

    Very well said Ghida, keep it up :)

  3. I often cite make up as a major failing of modern women. The way I see it, self confidence is whats attractive and cosmetics are just a cheap way of getting there. Sadly, many have missed the point and shot themselves in the foot in the way you've pointed out.

    I liked the Crusty Gaga love child joke. If you came up with that on your own well done.
